R.H. – Durham, NC

Helen Wang is the best! I have suffered with headaches, sinus congestion, ear canal and jaw issues for several months. When I called my dentist about the jaw/tooth/ear canal pain the office told me it was a virus, probably in my sinus cavities since the tooth was previously root canaled and crowned. It did get somewhat better but the pain returned later on in the summer. I have been struggling with it off and on all summer thinking it was allergies. Last time I saw Helen I asked her to help with the swelling under my eyes. Her treatment not only helped my eyes but my head cleared for the first time in months! I am so grateful to Helen for all that she has done!  It has taken a few treatments to resolve the sinus and ear issues but now the pain and pressure is totally gone! Also, the herbs I have been taking give me an added edge to controlling my dietary cravings like nothing else I have ever used before. I would like to continue to take them at night when I have the most problems. I just visited my primary care doctor and have lost 12 lbs in the last couple of months! It is so great to finally have better control of my diet instead of it controlling me!